Hello all,
Consider taking Media Politics class! :) It's a class offered by Department of International Relations, taught in English by a professor whose main research area is US politics (교수님이 한국분이시고, 수업 때는 철저하게 영어만 쓰시지만 수업 외 시간에는 한국말로 질의응답도 해 주시고 면담도 해 주시기 때문에 모국어가 한국어여도 걱정 많이 안 하셔도 된다고 생각해요~).
We will be examining the media as the "middle person" between the three branches of the government on one hand and the general public on the other hand (a famous political scientist [correction: famous journalist, who also served as Special Assistant to the President (of the US)] even dubbing the media the "fourth branch of the government" in his book); and seemingly, its influence is growing ever larger in our daily lives (especially with social media's intricately intertwined presence in our lives). We will (as you might have expected) assess the media's "job performance" as an unbiased information-provider to the public, but also, we will critically examine whether media outlets promoting their own selected values and viewpoint has a positive side to it ... and much more (fake news, infotainment (news produced and consumed like a form of entertainment), AI technology affecting media & politics, etc.).
It will be a small class (~15), so you will have more opportunity to navigate your interested topics.
〉 〉 〉 〉The course code is 32465-01〈 〈 〈 〈
Thank you!