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Management Innovation Forum for East Asia
국제교류센터 행정팀
2018-01-24 13:50:46
Management Innovation Forum for East Asia.jpg
첨부이미지 : Management Innovation Forum for East Asia.jpg
Keimyung University held the Management Innovation Forum for East Asia on October 27th of this year. It was held at the College of Business Administration and was hosted by K-NICE, a College of Business Administration center for fostering management expertise in the Middle East and the East Asia region.
The forum was organized under the main topic of Exchange and Cooperation Strategy for Youth Entrepreneurship. The first session was a cooperation between Korea and Vietnam, and the second was a cooperation between Korea and Indonesia. At the first session, a professor from Vietnam National University (Hanoi), Tran Thi Houng introduced their university and plans for an interchange between Vietnam and Keimyung University. Satrio Adhitomo and Cynthia Clarita Kusharto from Indonesia made a speech about the Indonesian economic situation related to Korea.
Students from not only the College of Business Administration but also from other colleges also participated in this even. Shin Il-hee, the president of KMU, said in his welcoming address, “I’m happy that many students participated in this forum. I think this forum will help students become closer to East Asia.”
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Update date2024-08-26