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How to Stop a Baby Crying
국제교류센터 행정팀
2017-09-06 09:02:02
How to stop a baby crying.jpg
첨부이미지 : How to stop a baby crying.jpg
Keimyung University announced that the students from the “Ttuksim” team were selected at the 23rd LG Global Challenger and will visit Europe to develop a new type of baby product. The team was selected by the LG Global Challenger for ‘Innovative Solution for Crying Baby’. Their total expenses for the visit will be supported by LG, and they plan to visit baby product businesses and research institutes in Sweden, the UK, France, Italy, etc. over two weeks (from August 12th to 25th) to gather the necessary information. Specifically, the team are planning to visit The Center for Child Mental Health in London where they will analyze the impacts and causes of baby crying on growth and review the possibilities of a product that will stop crying babies. Kwon Mun-gi, one of the KMU students who won the competition, spoke of his inspiration, “I am not afraid to challenge because I am a student.” Through this visit, the Keimyung students will find ways to stop crying babies and will try to develop a new, innovative baby product.
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Update date2024-08-26