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KMU, Resource-sharing at Library
국제교류센터 행정팀
2017-09-06 09:05:19
KMU, Resource-sharing at Library.jpg
첨부이미지 : KMU, Resource-sharing at Library.jpg
Keimyung University's Dongsan Library held ‘Library Resource-sharing Mentoring’ program on from August 7. Library resource-sharing is for university students to volunteer for improving local libraries-specifically, school and small scale libraries. Since 2011, at the beginning of summer vacation, this library resource-sharing mentoring has been implemented seven times a year. Through this program, university students have volunteered to do various activities such as reading books, painting a mural, and arranging bookshelves. The library’s director said, “In the future, we will tend to encourage more students and organizations to join for the development of community libraries.”
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Update date2024-08-26