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Keimyung Students Criticize President Park
국제교류센터 행정팀
2017-02-10 16:16:08
Keimyung Students Criticize Presient Park.jpg
첨부이미지 : Keimyung Students Criticize Presient Park.jpg

Choi Soon-sil is a big issue in Korea. Choi made unwarranted interventions in government. Furthermore, her daughter, Jung Yu-ra, is suspected of allegedly entering Ehwa University fraudulently. Therefore, university students nationwide are angry and have gathered to demonstrate against President Park Geun-hye on their campuses.

On November 2 at Bauer Hall, Keimyung students criticized the present situation and insisted President Park should step down. The students read a speech about the current situation in Korean and English. They said the real truth of the matter should be found out, and President Park should take responsibility for this situation.
Keimyung students have showed much interest in the present situation, and they have made a constant effort to find out the real truth of the matter. Some of them have participated in candlelight vigils in Dongseong-ro.
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Update date2024-08-26