- 수상
- 최우수 연제상, 대한두개저학회, 2022-11-26
- 논문
- 이승주, 김모이네, 권민용, 권세민, 고용산, 정연구, 박원형, 박중철, 안재성, 전한울, 임지현, 김재현, The efficacy of therapeutic hypothermia in patients with poor-grade aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Acute and Critical Care, 39(2), 282-293, 국제전문학술지, 2024-05-01
- 나민균, 최규선, 변형수, 남용석, 권세민, Cadaveric analysis of transcranial versus endoscopic transorbital petrosectomy: comparison of surgical maneuverability and brainstem exposure, Frontiers in Oncology, 13, -, 국제전문학술지, 2023-07-06
- 권수빈, 김수철, 권민용, 김창현, 권세민, 고용산, 이창영, Natural course of chronic subdural hematoma following surgical clipping of unruptured intracranial aneurysm by pterional approach, Journal of Cerebrovascular and Endovascular Neurosurgery, 25(4), 390-402, 국제전문학술지, 2023-12-25
- 홍인서, 김경환, 오혁진, 권세민, 정희원, 정은오, 이한주, 권현조, 최승원, 김선환, 고현송, 염진영, The surgical outcomes and nuances of the telovelar approach for pontine and medullary cavernous malformations: A multi-institutional case series, 대한두개저학회지, 18(2), 75-84, 전국규모전문학술지, 2023-10-31
- 김재환, 이준철, 신현구, 임태호, 장보형, 조영석, 김원희, 최규선, 안치원, 이희경, 남궁명, 나민균, 김재국, 권세민, Association Between QRS Characteristics in Pulseless Electrical Activity and Survival Outcome in Cardiac Arrest Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Prehospital Emergency Care, 3, 1-8, 국제전문학술지, 2024-06-03
- 김영일, 김경환, 오혁진, 서영범, 권세민, 성경수, 정규하, 이민호, Assessing the Suitability of Artificial Intelligence-Based Chatbots as Counseling Agents for Patients with Brain Tumor: A Comprehensive Survey Analysis, World Neurosurgery, 10(24), 776-779, 국제전문학술지, 2024-05-10
- 조웅래, 이창영, 권세민, 김창현, 권민용, 김재현, 고용산, Does the Surgical Approach Matter in Treating Odontoid Fractures? A Comparison of Mechanical Complication Rates Between Anterior Versus Posterior Surgical Approaches: A Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review, Korean Journal of Neurotrauma, 19(4), 409-421, 국제전문학술지, 2023-12-26
- 김민성, 고세일, 위찬우, 이민호, 강석구, 고경오, 권세민, 김우현, 도윤식, 박성혜, 서영범, 송상우, 안스데반, 오혁진, 윤홍인, 이시원, 이주호, 조경래, 최정원, 홍제범, 황기환, 박철기, 임도훈, The Korean Society for Neuro-Oncology (KSNO) Guideline for the Management of Brain Tumor Patients During the Crisis Period: A Consensus Survey About Specific Clinical Scenarios (Version 2023.1), Brain Tumor Research and Treatment, 11(2), 133-139, 전국규모전문학술지, 2023-04-01
- 우승빈, 이창영, 김창현, 권민용, 고용산, 이종하, 허진철, 권세민, Efficacy of 3D-printed simulation models of unruptured intracranial aneurysms in patient education and surgical simulation, Journal of Cerebrovascular and Endovascular Neurosurgery, 25(1), 19-27, 국제전문학술지, 2023-03-01
- 권세민, 박영기, 고신웅, 한건희, 고용, Single-surgeon endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal surgery for pituitary adenomas: surgical outcomes and complications of 197 cases, 대한두개저학회지, 17(2), 75-85, 전국규모전문학술지, 2022-09-01
- 조우형, 이창영, 김창현, 고용산, 김상표, 권세민, Breast Cancer to Meningioma: A Rare Case of Tumor-to-Tumor Metastasis, Brain Tumor Research and Treatment, 11(1), 73-78, 전국규모전문학술지, 2023-01-30
- 김민성, 고세일, 위찬우, 이민호, 강석구, 고경오, 권세민, 김우현, 도윤식, 박성혜, 서영범, 송상우, 안스데반, 오혁진, 윤홍인, 이시원, 이주호, 조경래, 최정원, 홍제범, 황기환, 박철기, 임도훈, The Korean Society for Neuro-Oncology (KSNO) Guideline for the Management of Brain Tumor Patients During the Crisis Period: A Consensus Recommendation Using the Delphi Method (Version 2023.1), Brain Tumor Research and Treatment, 11(2), 123-132, 전국규모전문학술지, 2023-04-01
- 권민용, 고용산, 권세민, 김창현, 이창영, Evaluation of Stent Apposition in the LVIS Blue Stent-Assisted Coiling of Distal Internal Carotid Artery Aneurysms : Correlation with Clinical and Angiographic Outcomes, JOURNAL OF KOREAN NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETY, 65(6), 801-815, 국제전문학술지, 2022-11-01
- 권세민, 나민균, 최규선, 임태호, 신현구, 이준철, 이희경, 김원희, 조영석, 김재국, 안치원, 장보형, Impact of extent of resection and postoperative radiotherapy on survival outcomes in intracranial solitary fibrous tumors: a systematic review and meta-analysis, NEUROSURGICAL REVIEW, 46(1), -, 국제전문학술지, 2023-06-09
- 김재현, 고용산, 권세민, 김창현, 이창영, Predictive Factors of Recurrence after Endovascular Treatment of Unruptured Vertebrobasilar Fusiform Aneurysms, CLINICAL NEURORADIOLOGY, 33(1), 73-86, 국제전문학술지, 2023-03-01
- 나민균, 장보형, 최규선, 임태호, 김원희, 조영석, 신현구, 안치원, 김재국, 이준철, 권세민, 이희경, Craniopharyngioma resection by endoscopic endonasal approach versus transcranial approach: A systematic review and meta-analysis of comparative studies, FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY, 12, -, 국제전문학술지, 2022-11-30
- 이희경, 이준철, 신현구, 임태호, 장보형, 조영석, 김원희, 김재국, 최규선, 나민균, 권세민, 안치원, Association between Early Phase Serum Albumin Levels and Outcomes of Post-Cardiac Arrest Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, JOURNAL OF PERSONALIZED MEDICINE, 12(11), -, 국제전문학술지, 2022-10-29
- 김재국, 안치원, 김원희, 임태호, 장보형, 조영석, 신현구, 이희경, 이준철, 최규선, 나민균, 권세민, Comparison of video laryngoscopy with direct laryngoscopy for intubation success in critically ill patients: a systematic review and Bayesian network meta-analysis, FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE, 10, -, 국제전문학술지, 2023-06-01
- 권수빈, 권세민, 김창현, 이창영, 김인수, 고용산, Indirect Decompression of Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fracture Using Intraoperative Motor Evoked Potential Monitoring-Guided Ligamentotaxis, Korean Journal of Neurotrauma, 19(2), 258-265, 국제전문학술지, 2023-06-19
- 권세민, 김정훈, 김영훈, 홍석호, 조영현, 김창진, 남수정, Clinical Implications of the Mitotic Index as a Predictive Factor for Malignant Transformation of Atypical Meningiomas, JOURNAL OF KOREAN NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETY, 65(2), 297-306, 국제전문학술지, 2022-03-01
- 권세민, 김두환, 김영제, 손은석, Cerebral Infarction and Remote Cerebellar Hemorrhage in Patients with Intracranial Hypotension, NEUROLOGY INDIA, 70(2), 753-756, 국제전문학술지, 2022-03-03
- 권세민, 이민호, 서영범, 김영일, 오혁진, 김경환, 최규선, 정규하, A Radiological Assessment of Chronic Subdural Hematomas, Korean Journal of Neurotrauma, 18(1), 12-21, 국제전문학술지, 2022-04-25
- 오혁진, 김경환, 김영일, 서영범, 최규선, 이민호, 권세민, 정규하, Neurotrauma Clinical Practice Guidelines Committee of the Korean Neurotraumatology Society: A Review of a Group That Writes and Inherits the Thoughts and Will of the Society, Korean Journal of Neurotrauma, 18(1), 3-11, 국제전문학술지, 2022-04-01
- 오혁진, 서영범, 추윤희, 김영일, 김경환, 권세민, 이민호, 정규하, Clinical Characteristics and Current Managements for Patients with Chronic Subdural Hematoma : A Retrospec-tive Multicenter Pilot Study in the Republic of Korea, JOURNAL OF KOREAN NEUROSURGICAL SOCIETY, 65(2), 255-268, 국제전문학술지, 2022-03-01
- 윤지원, 심예지, 변준철, 권세민, An infant with severe hemophilia A with intracranial hemorrhage mistaken for child abuse: A case report, Blood Research, 57(2), 169-171, 국제전문학술지, 2022-06-30
- 우승빈, 이창영, 김창현, 고용산, 김엘, 심예지, 김상표, 권세민, Rapid-Growing Intracranial Immature Teratoma Presenting Obstructive Hydrocephalus and Abducens Nerve Palsy: A Case Report and Literature Review, Brain Tumor Research and Treatment, 10(2), 117-122, 전국규모전문학술지, 2022-04-01
- 권세민, 나민균, 최규선, 방지훈, 변형수, 한훈섭, 남용석, Comparative Cadaveric analysis for surgical corridor and maneuverability: Far-lateral approach and its transcondylar etension, World Neurosurgery, , 2021 Feb;146:e979-e9, 국제전문학술지, 2021-02-01
- 권세민, 김정훈, 유희준, 김영훈, 홍석호, 조영현, 김창진, 남수정, Predictive factors for high-grade transformation in benign meningiomas, CLINICAL NEUROLOGY AND NEUROSURGERY, 195, -, 국제전문학술지, 2020-08-01
- 권세민, 김정훈, 변준호, 김영훈, 홍석호, 조영현, 김창진, Malignant Transformation of a Rosette-Forming Glioneuronal Tumor to Glioblastoma, WORLD NEUROSURGERY, 130, 271-275, 국제전문학술지, 2019-10-22
- 방성식, 고용, 권세민, Primary intraosseous osteolytic meningioma: a case report and review of the literature, BMC NEUROLOGY, 19, -, 국제전문학술지, 2019-07-23
- 권세민, 김엘, Pineal Cyst Apoplexy: A Rare Complication of Common Entity, Brain Tumor Research and Treatment, 8(1), 66-70, 전국규모전문학술지, 2020-04-27
- Sae Min Kwon, Treatment and survival outcomes of primary intracranial squamous cell carcinoma, World Neurosurgery, , 125: E1-E9, 국제전문학술지, 2019-05-01